英国 国都

For many audiophiles, the age of the transistor left a big hole in the emotion and pleasure provided by good valve amplification. The hi-fi world became orientated around numbers and statistics and choosing a new product was simply a question of numerical specifications.



Based on the styling of and reflecting Peter Walker’s circuit topology from the original, but brought up to date by the remarkable skills of our mechanical and electrical engineers, these new systems bring a richness and weight to any recording without the colouration many expect from such amplifiers. Not only are these some of the finest sounding valve pre/power combinations available today, but the genuine heritage and craftsmanship of the original has been preserved in the styling which can only be described as exquisite.

Q II经典集成放大器是一个完美平衡且完全集成的放大器系统,在解决系统兼容性的同时,也提供了优异的性能与价值。






Quad Ⅱ Classic是原本Quad Ⅱ的复刻版,采用了旧有Quad Ⅱ线路设计,但机内的元件已是全面升级,可配合现今的先进数码声源;Quad Ⅱ forty采用了KT-88真空管,把输出提高至40瓦,而又能保持原来Quad Ⅱ的音色。两款后级均可配上线路简单而直接的QC-24前级,精准耐用的元件,确保讯号的纯真度。最新款的QC-24P唱头放大器,由著名真空管放大器名家Tim DeParavicini所设计,迎接黑胶唱盘的重临。其创造的输出变压器设计以其速度、灵活性与现场音乐激情再现的能力备受业界关注。